Top 5 Manchester Pubs & Taprooms with CAMRA Member Discounts

In this post, I will discuss my top five pubs and taprooms in Manchester that offer CAMRA members a discount and are popular among young people aged 18 to 30. The purpose of this post is to showcase the modern pubs and "hipster" bars in Manchester that are not only welcoming and inclusive but also frequented by individuals under the average age of thirty. Moreover, these establishments offer discounts to CAMRA members (obligatory Join CAMRA link).

Most of these pubs provide a 10% discount or equivalent. If you drink responsibly and enjoy a couple of pints per week, which cost an average of £4, you could save approximately £41.60 per year. This amount is less than the cost of a CAMRA membership, which starts at £28.50 per year (excluding other benefits like £30 real ale and cider vouchers).

5. Middlewood Locks' Seven Bro7hers Beerhouse

Located just a short walk from Manchester City Centre, I first visited this bar in May 2021 after obtaining a Manchester Confidential voucher, which granted me a 50% discount on my tab. Since then, I have returned several times. This brewhouse, similar to the Seven Bro7hers Brewery, is a modern and trendy bar with an open environment offering both indoor and outdoor seating. It opened in December 2019, unfortunately just a few months before the pandemic.

In addition to their own delightful beers, primarily available on keg but occasionally on cask, they have also served beers from Collective Arts, Lervig, and Brew York, all of which I have thoroughly enjoyed at the Seven Bro7hers Beerhouse.

4. Salisbury

Situated near Manchester's rock bar Grand Central and Oxford Road Station, Salisbury is a charming little pub that regularly hosts Manchester's Gothic Meetup group. While Grand Central is a fantastic pub with great music and ambiance, the beer selection there is generally quite standard, often resulting in my order being a simple pint of Guinness. For this reason, and a few others, many people my age and I prefer Salisbury for a good pint.

3. Gas Lamp

Gas Lamp is a pub popular among those in the hospitality industry, meaning it remains open until or past midnight every night of the week. It practically acts as the Pomona Island bar. I can't recall how many times I've stumbled up and down those stairs after enjoying a few thirds of a 13% imperial stout, but each visit has been enjoyable and often led to fascinating debates.

2. Temperance Street Brewery and Taproom

I have been visiting this taproom since its official and unofficial opening. Recently, it was acquired by Katie Sutton, the descendant of the late and highly regarded CAMRA volunteer Dave Hannan. Located within a short walk from Manchester Piccadilly Station, this establishment houses one of Greater Manchester's most open and inclusive breweries and taprooms. They not only offer exceptional beer, which I've had the pleasure of tasting on multiple occasions, but they are also the most community-focused venue in the region that I am aware of. They actively promote other inclusive community groups as well.

1. Molly House

This bar deserves its spot at the top of the list and the title of Bar of the Year in Manchester City Centre. Recently selected as the Pub of the Year (POTY) 2023 by the Central Manchester CAMRA branch, I personally voted for it. Molly House not only features three floors serving an excellent selection of beer and cider, but it is also located in the heart of the Gay Village. Additionally, they have a dedicated kitchen and attract a fantastic crowd and events.

Image: Flickr Creative Commons/Tim Dobson