26 Highlights
These are all of my notable CAMRA activities beyond attending the socials and meetings.
Volunteered for the CAMRA's Belfast Beer & Cider Festival
During the weekend of November 4th, I worked on the Disco Bar section of the beer festival talking through two beers from Out of Office Brewery to attendees. Po...
Volunteered for the CAMRA's Nottingham Beer & Cider Festival
During the weekend of October 12th, I worked on the Disco Bar section of the beer festival talking through four beers from Bakers Dozen to attendees. Post-sessi...
Volunteered for the CAMRA's Peterborough Beer & Cider Festival
During the weekend of Aug 24, I worked on the Disco Bar section of the beer festival and assisted in recruiting new members. Post-session, I assisted in the tak...
Volunteered for the CAMRA's Chorlton Beer & Cider Festival
During the weekend of July 6th, I worked on the Membership section of the beer festival and assisted in recruiting new members. Post-session, I assisted in the ...
Featured in Opening Times Magazine Article
Due to my role as the Chair of the CAMRA Centreal Manchester Branch, I was featured in multiple micro articles of one of CAMRA's local magazines for presenting ...
Volunteered for the CAMRA's Stockport Beer & Cider Festival 2024
I worked on the Membership stand of the beer festival and again assisted in recruiting a record number of new members during the festival since lockdown....

Mentioned in CAMRA Press Release for Volunteers Week (2024)
Mentioned in a press release for a volunteers case study of CAMRA's (Campaign for Real Ale) as part of Volunteers Week 2024....

Volunteered for the CAMRA's Oldham Beer & Cider Festival
During the weekend of April 13th, I worked on the Membership section of the beer festival and assisted in recruiting a record number of new members during the f...
Beer Judge for Stockport Beer & Cider Festival
To assist in deciding what five beers end up on the Bar Nouveau of the Stockport Beer & Cider Festival, I judge a number of homebrews to deterim which were chos...

Became CAMRA's Central Manchester Branch Chair
During the AGM for the Central Manchester Branch, I was appointed the branch chair....
Cask to the Future collab with Crown & Kettle
During the October 7th, 2023, I was stationed at Crown & Kettle running a membership stand for CAMRA to assist the engagement and sign-up of Young Members and, ...

Volunteered at the Great British Beer Festival (GBBF)
During one of the biggest beer festivals in the UK, I was positioned at the 'Disco Bar' as part of the Learn & Discover section of CAMRA. My role during the fes...

Volunteered for the CAMRA's Chorlton Beer & Cider Festival
During the weekend of July 8th, I worked on the Membership section of the beer festival and assisted in recruiting a number of new members. Post-session, I assi...
Featured in Opening Times Magazine Article
Due to my new role as CAMRA's Regional (Greater Manchester) Young Members Coordinator, I was featured in an article of one of CAMRA's local magazines....

Volunteered for the CAMRA's Stockport Beer & Cider Festival
During the weekend of June 23rd, I worked on the Membership section of the beer festival and assisted in recruiting a record number of new members during the fe...

Became CAMRA's Regional (Greater Manchesters) Young Members Coordinator
During the CAMRA's Regional (Greater Manchesters) Annual Group Meeting, I was appointed the role of the Greater Manchesters Young Members Coordinator, which cov...
Became CAMRA's Central Manchester Branch Young Members Coordinator
During the AGM for the Central Manchester Branch, I was appointed the Young Members Coordinator incharge of ensuring that the young members within the branche a...
Became a CAMRA Brewery Liaison Officer (BLO)
Initially becoming a BLO for Temperance Street Brewery, my job is to work with key contacts within Breweries I am a BLO for to ensure that data within CAMRA's B...
Volunteered for the CAMRA's Central Manchester Beer & Cider Festival
On the organiser level of the Central Manchester Beer & Cider Festival, primarily focusing on the various digital aspects of the festival, like the website, vol...

Volunteered for the CAMRA's Stockport Beer & Cider Festival
Volunteered at Stockport Beer & Cider Festival 2022, operating entry and assisting in packing up the next day....
Mentioned in CAMRA Press Release for Volunteers Week
Mentioned in a press release for a volunteers case study of CAMRA's (Campaign for Real Ale) as part of Volunteers Week 2022....
"Pubs. Pints. People." Podcast (Social Media Manager)
As a Social Media Manager my role is to ensure that regularly scheduled Tweets are posted and interactions are maintained....

Volunteered for the CAMRA's Manchester Beer & Cider Festival
Over the wc the 19th of January, I was volunteering at the Manchester Beer & Cider Festival, assisting with the thousands of attendees coming to share their pas...